List of geological features on Saturn's smaller moons

This is list of named geological features on Janus, Epimetheus and Phoebe.



Craters on Janus are named after characters in the legend of Castor and Pollux.

Crater Named after
Castor Castor
Idas Idas
Lynceus Lynceus
Phoibe Phoebe (daughter of Leucippus)


Craters on Epimetheus are named after characters in the legend of Castor and Pollux.

Crater Named after
Hilairea Hilaeira
Pollux Pollux



The only named regio on Phoebe is Leto Regio, named after Leto, the daughter of Phoebe.


Craters on Phoebe are named after characters from the Greek legend of Jason and the Argonauts.

Crater Named after Coordinates
Acastus Acastus
Admetus Admetus
Amphion Amphion
Butes Butes
Calais Calais
Canthus Canthus
Clytius Clytius
Erginus Erginus
Euphemus Euphemus
Eurydamas Eurydamas
Eurytion Eurytion
Eurytus Eurytus
Hylas Hylas
Idmon Idmon
Iphitus Iphitus
Jason Jason
Mopsus Mopsus
Nauplius Nauplius
Oileus Oileus
Peleus Peleus
Phlias Phlias
Talaus Talaus
Telamon Telamon
Zetes Zetes

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